Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

I pray everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  I know I did.  I pray for a great New Year's Eve and a spectacular 2010!

RIP  M. Greta Ziel.  My Grandmother.  Jan. 4, 1933-November 9, 2009.  You are missed and loved.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas joy

I am wishing everyone Christmas Joy this season and pray for your health and happiness.  I think it is important to remember why we are here and what we are celebrating.  God's Blessings to all this Christmas!

Meery Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hendo's Back

Sorry everyone for me delay in getting back.  My schedule has been very rough.  I was in Japan for almost two weeks having the time of my life.  The culture, the people, the food, good times good times! 

After I got back, I had to go to Temecula for work and then immediately to Las Vegas.  It is nice being home again. 

Here is a huge update for my political friends.  I spent a week in Vegas meeting new people.  For the first time all year, EVERYONE I met went into a rant about how they are getting screwed by the this administration.  I am happy to report that things are changing for Obama for the worse.  A few months ago, i thought he would sail through the holidays with no problem.  Not so much, he is tanking faster then I thought he could.  People from CA, NV, and all over the country jumped at the opportunity to slam Obama and his failed policies.  I guess he isn't the lord he thought he was.  Maybe a guy he is 48 years old and never had a job isn't that bright?  Tank Barry tank.
 Even on the airplane home, a homosexual gentlmen couldn't stop taking shots at Obama's racism and hatred for white people.  WOW.

More to come, today I am pleased.
