Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bob McDonnell won the race, E-I-E-I-O

Wow, did a state that largely supported Barak Obama really  landslide to a Republican?
I am not surprised.  I guess ACORN didn't get a chance to slide in any extra racist votes.

Early reports are telling me that the Republican's have taken NJ too, not to be funny but I thought ACORN would def be able to set that up.  Let's hope this is momentum for people waking up to what's really going on.  I figure all the people that were "on the fence" about who to vote for and voted for Obama, HOPPED OVER THE FENCE!  The movment is large.  We are still the Majority, and we can put this back together.  We just need to all do our part.  Let's ORGANIZE!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the rest of the US is seeing that the Democrats are not getting the job done! Republicans kicked ass last night!
